Important Messages

Spring Craft Fair

Saturday March 29th 10 am to 3 pm. See attached flyer for further information.

Recent News

Fire Safety & Awareness

Apr 13, 2023

Independent Fire Company No. 1 hosted Brownie/Girl Scout #27510 to assist them in working on their Fire Safety & Awareness Badge on Thursday April 13, 2023. The girls were able to try on fire fighting gear, learn about how calls are dispatched to the volunteer fire fighters and how we respond to calls. They were even see fire fighters respond with an engine to an actual call and see them return from the call. Thank you to Bud Callahan, Nicki Pappas & Kraig McLaughlin for volunteering your time.

Hazmat/Fire Incident @ Stonard Manufacturing

Apr 5, 2022

At approximately 8:30 we were dispatched to the unit block of East Park Ave for a release of an unknown chemical. Upon arriving Chief 1000 was met by employees who directed him to a vessel filled with an unknown substance that had been moved outside of the business and was actively smoking. Shortly after the arrival of Squrt 1011 and Cinnaminson Fire Department Engine 2013 the container became involved in fire. As a precautionary measure due to the close proximity of the vessel to the building a full structure response was requesting bringing additional resources to the scene. Crews on location got a water supply from nearby hydrants and stretched and operated hose lines to protect the business while the Maple Shade Police assisted with evacuating the area. Members from Westampton Township Emergency Services, Cherry Hill Fire Department and the Burlington County Hazmat Team worked with representatives of the business to determine exactly what was in the vessel and the best way to mitigate the situation. It was determined that the chemical in the vessel was not dangerous and we were able to extinguish the fire using a foam solution. Once the fire was extinguished people were allowed back in their residences or places of employment and the vessel was watched for a period of time to ensure there was no long any hazards. No injuries were reported and the situation was contained without any incident and the vessel was related to the business to complete clean up. Crews operated for approximately 4 hours before returning to service. We would like to thank all of our mutual aid partners, Burlington County Hazmat Team, Burlington County Health Department, Cinnaminson Fire Department, Westampton Township Emergency Services, Lenola Volunteer Fire Company Station 313, Merchantville Fire Co 129, Cherry Hill Fire Department, Moorestown Fire Department, Mount Laurel Fire Department, Palmyra Fire Department., Maple Shade First Aid Squad, Mitchell Fire Company #3, Vincent Fire Company, Tabernacle Fire Department for their assistance on scene and in covering the surrounding area during the incident. Pictures courtesy of Independent Fire Company #1 and Diane Orth-Benninghoven

Burlington County Fire Chiefs Association Unit Citation

Mar 31, 2022

Unit Citation presented to our firefighters Battalion Chief Andrew Simonsick Jr, Firefighter Ken Ross, Firefighter Daniel Grace, Firefighter Timmy Miller & Firefighter Ben Callahan by the Burlington County Fire Chief Association last night. Also pictured are members of Mount Laurel's crew who were honored along with us. See more below.

2021 Fire Prevention & Open House

Oct 14, 2021

We are proud to say that despite recent limitations on Independent Fire Company No. 1 & Covid restrictions, we feel our feel our Fire Prevention and Open House activities were a success! Thank you to those who participated!

Recent Alarms

  • Thu Dec, 14 2023 @ 14:24

    Nature: Assist: Ems
    Address: 257 South Maple Av, Maple Shade Twp

    City: -74.9955212224544 *** The Information Contai,

  • Thu Dec, 14 2023 @ 10:29

    Nature: Alarm: Fire
    Address: 10 North Chestnut Av, Maple Shade Twp

    City: -74.9965123908019 *** The Information Contai,

  • Thu Dec, 14 2023 @ 05:40

    Nature: Alarm: Fire
    Location: Hometowne Studios 10
    Address: 2868 North Rt73, Maple Shade Twp

    City: -74.9780521079946 *** The Information Contai,


Jan - 37 Feb - 48 Mar - 43
Apr - 44 May - 51 June - 51
July - 52 Aug - 46 Sept - 53
Oct - 40 Nov - 68 Dec - 0

Year Totals:

2023 - 533 2022 - 574 2021 - 346
2020 - 586 2019 - 628 2018 - 716

Photo of the Day

Upcoming Events

  • There are currently no events posted


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"Volunteer since 1912"

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